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Why use aur-search ?
It’s fast small, easy and powerful.
- Fast: A few bytes are transfered from archlinux server.
- Easy: 5 options, 2 of which are for the output.
- Powerful: you can query packages by name, add terms to include ou exclude, remove outdated packages, sort by votes, names or categories.
Example, you want to display all the packages containing neko
aur-search neko
You want to excludes the ones containing cat
aur-search neko ~cat
You are a cat lover and you want to display packages containing neko and cat
aur-search neko cat
You want to display all packages with sdl in name and library in description but without mingw32 or lib32. Oh yes, you don’t want outdated packages.
aur-search -p -n sdl library ~mingw32 ~lib32
Need help ?
aur-search --help
how does it work ?
The first term is use for the query to AUR search. So don’t prefixe it with an exclude char ~, otherwise ~term will be query. The other terms are used in description if you don’t use ~. If you want to exclude a term, the filter will apply to the name and the description of a package. If you don’t want it, you won’t have it.